Get Planets Align Moon Jupiter Saturn Conjunction 2020 Pictures. Jupiter and saturn will align in the night sky on dec. In the technical language of by this definition, the 2020 great conjunction of jupiter and saturn occurred at about 18:20 utc on december 21.
To have jupiter, saturn and pluto in capricorn, while uranus is in taurus has happened only one other year. To have four of the five outer planets in earth signs is rare. 21 they will be just 0.1° apart — 1/5 of a full moon diameter.
The great conjunction of jupiter and saturn.
The last one was in the year 2000. The next time the conjunction will occur at a distance this close will be on. Other great conjunctions occur in 2040 and 2060, but the conjunction distance is over 1°. Exposed for jupiter and processed the visible moons to be brighter and increased brightness you can still get incredible detail on planets, no obstruction for diffraction, can be flattened and reduced for wide field, can be pushed to critical sampling no problem.